Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Beginning... Again...

Yeah so remember that other blog that we had? It died. But it did a good job. So now we're proud to announce the debut of! Hurrah! We think the last time the other blog was updated was in October last year. We had some great things happen, like Rick and Tracie coming to visit and going to San Antonio with them; doing our own Thanksgiving with my sister and her family; going to my parents for Christmas; getting a new car (used, but new to us); and... oh yeah, we're pregnant and WICKED excited! We'll expect a little girl coming to us about the 12th of November. So for now, we're both just cracking up at how big my stomach's getting.

We did a weird FHE this week that was my idea (hence it was weird). We engraved our personal property! Well, the stuff that we actually care about, which we found out, isn't that much. There's a nationwide program called Operation I.D. and local police stations will lend you an engraver to mark your personal stuff. They do this to help prevent and deter thieves. So, we have a video of this but the sound really is just awful, so because we like all you people and don't want to drive you away on your first visit here, we'll just throw in a picture.

Our little Hearne branch we're serving in is fun. Last week we had six people at the start of church, and then ten by the time we got through the opening song. Church ended early that day. But this week was good, although I'm in primary, and right now I only have one child who's 10. And I'm the only teacher right now, so I was a little worried about occupying 2 hours worth of time, but it worked out all right. Brian's still teaching the youth Sunday school class (3 of them), and still doing great. I could hear one of them laughing from the primary room, so things must've been going well. Until later!


Blake and Laura said...

Hey Jenn, this is Laura Wilkes. Congrats on the pregnancy! Blake and I are way excited for you.

momomom said...

Congrats from Dan and Tiff and sons!