Saturday, May 30, 2009


We thought it was just about picture time again, so here are some of our cool little girl.

Things are going pretty well here. Abby is getting more used to solid foods. She can pick up (sometimes) her own saltines and Cheerios now. Yeah, it's pretty cool. Eating is taking forever though. I think our record is over an hour. It's like we don't even have time to do anything when she's awake because we spend so much of it eating. It's crazy, but I think she's really liking it. She's liking it so much she's even starting to snub the cereal and prefers anything crunchy. I've joined a cooking group at church and we had our first meeting tonight. It was at our place and we made curry. It was scrumptious. Although, I used a new curry paste I got from an asian market and dang! It was spicy. Still good though.

Brian's still doing great. He's getting ready for a conference this week. He'll present one of the papers he's been working on. I've really been impressed with him. He's had tons to do (and still do), but I feel like he's learning new things really fast, like he's really happy with what he's doing, and doing it well too. He hasn't seemed too stressed or anything, and if I were presenting three papers at three different conferences this summer, I think I'd be a little worried about it all. But things are going really well for him, and it's great to see. We hope things are going well for everyone!

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