Monday, September 20, 2010

Baby Pics

Had an ultrasound today, and here are the results:

It was so cool to see them moving around. It seems more real now. Abby's not really interested. I think they just look like blobs to her. Ultrasounds in Canada are a little different. Your husband can't come in with you except for a minute or two at the end, and the screen is away for the whole time until at the very end. I guess in case you notice something is wrong? And the gel is not warm. When I realized that, I also realized how very spoiled I've been. Very cool though, and I'm feeling much better. Hopefully when I'm back to full speed I'll do a little more posting.


Raree (RAH-ree) said...

Super fun! Hopefully Canadian health care works out all right for you. :) I'm excited for you!

Allison said...

YIPEE! They look oh so cute! I've been waiting to hear some Canadian news. Hope you are feeling well. And burr- cold gel is no fun.

Blake and Laura said...

I still can't believe you're having twins! Congrats! That would be weird not to have your husband in there for the ultrasound. I know that is always the part that Blake enjoys since he finally gets to see the baby. He feels like he is more involved in it since he obviously doesn't feel the baby everyday like I do.

Anna said...

I didn't know you were pregnant again, congratulations! Twins! Wow. You are going to be busy, but if anyone can handle it, I'm sure you can Jenn!

Mom or Dad said...

I'm trying to decide who looks like whom! I think Twin A has more of Brian's nose! (Just kidding!)


Mom or Dad said...

I'm trying to see who looks like whom! I think Twin A has Brian's nose! What do you think? (just kidding)