Thursday, October 30, 2008

Musings on an Election

I suppose it's only fair with the upcoming election that our blog should contribute to the time period we're living in. Early voting ends tomorrow here, as I'm sure is the case in many other places, but early voting is one of the best ideas ever. I went today and I stood in line, voted, and walked out all in twelve minutes. Twelve minutes! That's a dream compared to how it will be this coming Tuesday. If you can possibly take advantage of this, please do. Also, keep your "I Voted" sticker, and bring it with you on November 4th to Ben and Jerry's (if you have one near you) between 5 and 8 and you'll get free ice cream. Definitely a good deal.

But here's the bad deal. As I walked out of the voting station, feeling pleased at how fast it was, I decided to grab the local paper. Alas, my eyes fell upon a sad tale of certain students at Texas A&M. The story even made it to CNN. Sad day. Surely it's great that they wanted to exercise civil liberties and discuss the economy, but really, throwing eggs at pictures of Obama's face? Come on now. It's been interesting to see in this election how some people are just downright terrified and afraid at what will happen as a result of this election. Whatever happens, and whoever wins, we still have reason to be optimistic and live life like normal. The sun hasn't set on America yet, nor has God turned his face away from us. With that said, good luck to everyone voting this year. May we all have clarity and good judgment.

Which leads me to my parting thought: How do you judge a judge? In the local races here it has been difficult to find what the heck these candidates are running on and what they're all about. So, if anyone has any good thoughts on how to pick a good judge, that would greatly benefit Brian and I next time. Thanks, and enjoy your ice cream!

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