Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Ab Update

Abberoni is amazing us more everyday. I feel like we kind of had a lull there in the things that she can do, but man, she was picking up stuff. Here's what she's up to now:
  • Her voice - she makes some of the craziest and cutest noises. This has been going for the past couple of days. Yesterday we kept asking each other "Is she OK?" but she didn't seem like anything was really bothering her or making her really that happy. So, she now knows that she has a voice.
  • Tummy Time - she is getting up there! Her head is so high. You can stand a couple of feet away from her and she'll look up at you. She knows how to spin herself on her tummy, and is starting to be able to push herself backward. Yesterday she also was kicking her legs and on one of them we noticed that she got her hips off the ground. Crazy.
  • Sitting up - she's not there, but she is doing a great job if she's not interested in anything and doesn't move. :-) She does fine with a little support though. She can lean forward, push herself backward, but her side to side is a little rough.
Today she had her second round of shots and did really well. Last time she had the shots she was completely distressed (and really tired), but this time she cried, and when I held her she was fine. She even fell asleep on the way home. Phew.

As for Brian and I, were getting healthy again, just like Abby. We all got sick at the same time, but we're on the mend. Brian's actually at school today, which is a novelty, considering it's been about a week. Since I've finished my classes I'm now Brian's secretary, booking him a hotel for one of his many trips this summer, and starting work on his web site. Hopefully it will be looking pretty snazzy before too long. And congrats to my sister who just had her first boy last Monday. My niece is really excited to have a brother! Hope everyone's doing well. It sure is hard to stay healthy in this 82 degree weather.

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