Saturday, March 28, 2009

Barbarian Visit

Barbie had her baby Alexander Brian a few weeks ago (he'll be 4 weeks on Monday) and I got to go up this week and help her out. It was my first time driving for a long time by myself and with Abby, so I was a little nervous about it. We were lucky though. It poured so hard I had to use the fastest wiping speed, and we hydroplaned so bad we fish-tailed in both directions, but made it safely. It was tons of fun to visit. We got some good pics while we were up there of the cousins. I forgot what it was like to have a newborn. They're tough. The whole family's doing really well though. Hailey is a really good big sister and is so excited to have a brother. It's really cute. Coming back though was uneventful. In fact, I got back way faster than I anticipated, and Abby slept almost the whole way. What a good girl.

So Brian had almost the whole week without us. We webcammed with each other and talked on the phone and that was fun. Abby got a lot better at sitting up while we were there, although she generally falls over whenever she gets excited about anything. She does a great face plant, but doesn't seem to mind too much. She sure is growing up fast. I think while we visited she got way more sociable. She just loved Barbie to death! Anytime she spoke Abby was looking around for her. She's quite the smiler these days.

Oh yeah! And we also had another car accident! Brian was alone this time coming back from the store. A freshman girl from A&M didn't really see him stopped and rear-ended him. Brian said she was very apologetic. Our bumper isn't bad though. Slightly bent downward and a little cracked but not too bad. This happened the night before I left to see Barb and Brian. I was worried I wouldn't be able to go, but it was all good. Brian's also been doing well in our family bracket. Luckily, Villanova won today so I'm in good shape, but it appears the family favors UNC and Connecticut, which are both number one seeds. It's definitely March Madness!


Mom or Dad said...

Cute kids!!! Haley looks so grown up. I can't believe how fast Abby is growing!! I can hardly wait to hold her again. Can you send me the two pics your posted of her. Everyone is always asking about her. It's nice to show them updated pics. Glad everyone is safe from all your adventures. Love you all lots, Mom/Grandma H

Raree (RAH-ree) said...

What a ham! Aww, she is so cute Jenn. I'm so glad you have a blog! I still like them better than Facebook. :-)